Welcome to my Dedication Page!

Hello everyone! Welcome to my dedication page! this is where i would like to thank

everyone who helped me on my web page. yEz, it did take me forever, but there

are some people that need recognition. well, ME most of all! thank you! hehehehe

really, i would like to thank everyone who are links to my page, thanks for letting

me use your pages! and.... i guess my comp sci class otherwise i wouldn't have a

clue to do any of this stuff.. so yEz! thank you! it is a blast to be in that class!

hmmm....also, i wanna thank all the people who were helping me with my page...

like all the continuous, annoying questions i always ask...(this is for you dAvId)

(pronounced dah-veed) hehehehe, your knowledge blows my mind! ;P plus all you

guys who always make fun of me in class! ha! look at this! i'm not as stupid as i

look! so there! i did it all by myself! So thanks everyone again! buh bye i love

you!*muah* ( i love you betty!)